Vehicles are essential equipment for most organisations and few companies or public sector organisations could function without them. But while vehicles are an indispensable element of today's economy, their use carries a risk of crashing, injury and even death. Insurance council of New Zealand data estimates that during 2008 New Zealand businesses claimed approximately $400 million in insurance owing to commercial vehicle crashes (ACC safe driving policy). This risk can be significantly reduced by the introduction of a simple driver assessment & training programme. 

The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 or 'HSW' Act means Employers need to know that...

  • It shifts from hazard spotting to managing critical risks – actions that reduce workplace harm rather than trivial hazards
  • It introduces the “reasonably practicable” concept – focusing attention on what’s reasonable for a business to do

It places a stronger obligation on employers and organisations to protect their staff against hazards in the work place, which includes driving company vehicles. Under the Act, if the employer cannot eliminate or isolate a workplace hazard, they must give their staff training to avoid that hazard. Increasingly, employers are deciding that since hazards on the road cannot be eliminated, they must ensure their staff are well equipped to reduce or avoid those hazards. The new HSW Act and employer obligations can be looked at on the Worksafe NZ website


  • Pre-drive vehicle safety inspection
  • Licence check
  • Speed zones 30-100kph
  • Low speed manourvring
  • Traffic lights, roundabouts, T intersections & 4-way intersections
  • Observance of give way rules
  • Speed control
  • Signalling
  • Fuel efficiency
  • Hazard detection

Every organisation can benefit from refreshing and updating the working skills of its staff. Driving skills are no exception and driver training will benefit both individual staff and your organisation as a whole. Training is particularly important for professional drivers and staff who transport customers. Also staff who are driving a company or pool vehicle, inexperienced drivers, staff who have recently been involved in crashes, those who drive their own vehicle to work, voluntary workers and contractors.

Companies should implement clear road safety policies and make driver assessment standard procedure, so that individual staff don't feel singled out. NZIDE (New Zealand Institute of Driver Educators) believe there are other good reasons listed in the benefits (below) as to why businesses should consider a Driver Education Programme as part of their vehicle fleet management plan.


  • To give your valued staff an assessment of their driving
  • To make them aware of any driving faults or habits they have developed over time.
  • To provide training to rectify any potentially dangerous driving faults or behaviours


  • Improved driving - means less crashes, less likelyhood of employee demerit points, fewer ACC claims - lower insurance premiums
  • Less vehicle abuse - means less break downs, lower vehicle running costs, less inconvenience to you and your customers.
  • Higher business profile - the general public observe good driving behaviour exhibited by your staff, newer looking vehicles
  • Improved staff employer relations - staff appreciate investment in their skills and safety


As approved driving assessors, Rach, Dan or Chris will conduct the driving assessments at the appointed time, place and date as pre-arranged. Please allow 60 minutes per person. The assessment drive is done in your company vehicle through as many traffic situations as possible which will include busy town, urban and suburban driving conditions. During the assessment the driver is observed and a record is kept of how they interact in various traffic situations for later analysis. Training/coaching will be provided for minor issues during the session and a hazard detection commentary will be included. At the conclusion of the assessment the driving assessor will identify and discuss the faults & training needs with the driver. We will submit a written report containing the details of the assessment and recommendations. The report will also detail any remedial training that may be required. A certificate will also be issued to each staff member that passes the assessment - $195.50

An extended 75 minute option is available whereby the assessment can also include more 100kph roads, rural or mountain road conditions - $218.50



Arrangements for any necessary remedial training will be made with prior consultation with the employer. Some drivers may require additional training to remedy long-held bad habits and improve driving skills in specific areas of their driving. Training is conducted in 45 minute blocks as required. After any recommended training the driver will them be booked in to be re-assessed. This assessment system and driving assessor are both NZTA approved - $85.



A minimum 3 working days notice is required if staff can't attend the assessment. If less than this notice for cancellation or postponement is given, full payment will be charged.



  • Beginner lessons to assist learner drivers towards restricted licence test
  • Lessons for restricted licence drivers before their full licence test
  • Driving assessments prior to restricted and full licence tests
  • Advanced Driving Competency Assessments
  • Winter Driving Courses
  • On road safety assessments for elderly drivers who require assessment for medical reasons
  • Familiarisation training for overseas tourists wishing to hire a car and drive on the left side of the road.